
About the Artist

I became interested in painting by studying the history of art in a class for a Master's degree program at UHCL.  I graduated with both a BBA (in 1980) and an MA in Humanities (in 2005) at UHCL.  I studied art from an earliest time period of "Stone Age" art 28,000 years BC through Modern and Abstract art during the 20th century, in the graduate level classes.

My Master's degree thesis is a novel.  I waited 10 years to self-publish it, and is for purchase at It is titled, “A Family’s Portrait An Original Novel”. (Many of the chapters are based on true stories, three generations of southern rural family life in Texas.) I painted the front and back book covers myself.  Soon after creating art for the book, I began painting for several hours every day.  I have created over 1,000 (digital) landscape, seascape, abstract and holiday paintings. Logo trademarked, I have more abstracts than any of my other medias.  I owe a tremendous amount of gratitude to God and to my wife Lou, for without them, none of this would have ever occurred.