Inspired by the Little Grand Canyon, known as Red River Gorge, KY
Created on Microsoft "Studio" Tablet at Baybrook Mall, Houston, Tx, November, 2016.
Painting inspired by 2007 trip to Kauai, Hawaii.
Painting inspired by rafting trip down this river.
Like a "Blue Moon", a full moon at sunrise.
Inspired by Lost Creek, KY
Known as Mom for many years.
Antique in appearance.
Antique appearance.
Antique in appearance.
Antique appearance.
Painting enlarged to show detail. See complete matted and framed painting below. Price does not include shipping.
Professionally matted and framed 28 1/2" (H) x 33 1/2" (W). Price does not include shipping.
First landscape
Also known as "The Chair Mountain"
Inspired by thoughts of the yellow brick road in The Wizard of Oz .
Inspired by Houston morning traffic report.
Inspired by bridge past McDonald's in Jackson, KY.